10 oktober 22

World Mental Health Day: Offering an emotionally safe and empathic workplace

As today is World Mental Health Day, we're happy to share more on our Add Flavour programme. One of the 7 pillars is 'Mental health', as we like to encourage our leaders to be mindful of the wellbeing of their team members.

wellbeing add flavour

Our leaders have the chance to really empower someone. To listen with an open mind and heart when a team member is offering feedback or asking a question. To be someone’s hero of the day.


✓ Empower your people and give them an equal voice. Sharing knowhow, opinions, feedback,... really matters!

✓ To make someone feel heard and understood, avoid saying “Oh yes, the same thing happened to me, but it was even worse because...” When you say something like “I can see that this has really affected you”, people are more likely to feel validated. Things can always be worse, but be sure to stay close to the other's experience. 

✓ Good leaders have the kind of optimistic attitude that inspires the people around them, so that they want to have an active role within the team. By being inquisitive, genuine, and honest in all your interactions, you’ll see positivity flow throughout the team.


Attention for mental wellbeing also means actively sharing words of appreciation and encouragement. At Vandemoortele, we have our HERO cards for everyone: to share a compliment, and make each others day. 


Het van oorsprong Belgische familiebedrijf Vandemoortele is opgericht in 1899. In de afgelopen twee decennia is Vandemoortele uitgegroeid tot een Europese groep van voedingsbedrijven, met leidende posities in twee productcategorieën: Bakkerijproducten & Plant-Based Food Solutions. We staan ​​bekend om het leveren van innovatieve en kwalitatief hoogstaande producten.

In 2022 realiseerde Vandemoortele met 4.600 (vaste en tijdelijke) medewerkers een omzet van ongeveer 1,7 miljard euro. Het hoofdkantoor van Vandemoortele Groep is gevestigd in Gent, België. We hebben commerciële kantoren in 12 Europese landen, evenals in de Verenigde Staten en Azië. We zijn actief in 29 hoogwaardige productielocaties in heel Europa, om de nabijheid van al onze belangrijkste markten te garanderen. Wij exporteren vanuit Europa naar 70 landen wereldwijd.

Nieuws & Media Contact

Marc Croonen
