Parfum d'amaretto

Cooking Time

0 mins

Serving Suggestion

12 people


Allergy information


How to make Parfum d'amaretto


Amaretto mousse Dissolve the gelatine leaves in water and add the pastry cream. Add the Amaretto. Gently mix the semi-whipped Chantilly.


Bottom of shortbread Whip up the egg yolks with the cane sugar. Whip up the St Allery creamy paste and the salt in a food processor with the butterfly(= a specific part of the food processor) and add to the whipped egg yolks. Sift the flour with the baking powder and mix among the whole. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave overnight in the refrigerator. Roll out the dough (4 mm thick) and cut circles from the size of the base of the mold. Bake at 160°C for 25 minutes.


Heart of donut Cut the mini sugared doony's in half. Sprinkle with coffee syrup.


Building "Cover with jelly" (I don't find an English word, in Dutch it's "Chemiseren") the forms with Amaretto Mousse. Fill them halfway with Amaretto Mousse. Put a half mini donut on it (with the cutting edge up). Fill further with Amaretto mousse. 


Let clot in the freezer. Remove the dessert from the forms and paste on a slice of shortbread. Syringe with milk chocolate flakes. Finish with a mocha bean.

Other Ingredients

For Amaretto Mousse
350g Chantilly
250g pastry cream
80g Amaretto
7g gelatin (2 sheets)
For Bottom of shortbread
225g egg yolks
650g flour
425g cane sugar
20g baking powder
8g of salt
For Heart of donut
coffee syrup
For the Building
mocha bean
milk chocolate

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